Thursday, October 15, 2009

Walmart bigger than Taiwan?

I just cannot get over this fact.

Sure, Fortune 500 companies are among the best performing companies all over the world-ever. But with revenues millions higher than the GDP in most countries, seriously?

Walmart stores, the second largest company in the U.S., in terms of revenue, is beating Taiwan's GDP by $14 million. Now that's insane. Put it in this perspective: all the sales going through Walmart this year will sum up to about $14 million more than the total value of all goods and services provided in Taiwan. I mean we're talking about a single retailer earning more than a whole nation combined. How messed up is that?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

That's really messed up. Thanks for pointing that out.

It goes to show how scary corporations can be! (see: Wall-E)

What scares me is that some individuals alone have more net worth than the GDPs of some countries!