Monday, December 1, 2008

"Be Still and know that I am God"

Today I reread and thought through Pastor Doug's sermon from yesterday's worship service. His topic touched on peace in our LORD. I was truly touched by God through this message and through one of the verses he referred:

Psalm 131
1. My heart is not proud, O Lord, my eyes are not haughty; I do not concern myself with great matters or things too wonderful for me.
2. But I have stilled and quieted my soul; like a weaned child with its mother, like a weaned child is my soul within me.
3. O Israel, put your hope in the LORD both now and forevermore

In verse 1 David, even though the king of all Israel at that time, still admits there are things that he cannot accomplish. The verse talks about pride and how sometimes it can get in the way of us staying in humility as Christ did. I often times do just that; I concern myself with matters that are too great for me to achieve because I feel like I'm capable of doing so. In the process, I feel so tired and want to quit. God gives us enough grace and strength to handle the tasks we are given to glorify HIM. Our pride shouldn't get in the way, but we need to put our hope and our trust in the LORD, knowing that ultimately, what we do is to glorify HIM.

Pastor Doug also reminded us that as the Christmas season draws near, we are in the mist of a lot of hustling and craze...delicious food...precious time with family...worries of what to get as a gift for friends...whatever we are worrying about, we need to keep in mind the ultimate reason for this season: the grace of Father GOD sending his one and only Son to this sinful world, giving us the hope of eternal life with HIM again. How amazing is that? Pastor Doug encouraged us to be still and silent in the mist of the crazy, commercialized holiday seasont to reflect on the true meaning of the Christmas season. Surely, it isn't to take away all the joy and excitement throughout the season, but to understand that the joy and peace we can experience through the season is coming from our LORD.

1. Grandpa
2. Mom & Dad as they struggle to handle 3 elderly
3. Me, getting back into the swing of things for the next 3 weeks

Stay warm all!

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